Posts tagged mother
Merry Self-Care Christmas!

Join us in this year's Self-Care Christmas — the time of year when we gift ourselves an extra dose of happiness and healthy decision-making! Between all the winterizing, working against the darkness, and holiday prep, let us not forget to give ourselves the care we deserve. And, on that note, Merry Christmas to all — because when we take better care of ourselves, our people and our world feel it, too.

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Waiting for Baby Don | Grand Rapids Maternity Photographer

This couple was so thrilled to be anticipating the arrival of their first child. Zarah was absolutely glowing during this entire session - and the late afternoon golden light on UPLB's campus was simply stunning. Green and blue are my favorite colors, so naturally, these photos make me so happy! 

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Annie and Arie's Floral Milk Bath | Grand Rapids Baby Photographer

I can't get enough of this session. I burst into tears multiples times while editing these photos. Maybe that's because I've known Annie so long and was so full of joy to hear her birth story and spend time with her and little Arie. It might also be because of the anticipation for my own little one. I'm 16 weeks pregnant, emotions are high, and my heart is so full. 

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Laura and Her Littles | Grand Rapids Family Photographer

Laura was my first and favorite babysitter growing up. Her parents are close friends of mine, and she got lots of practice mothering my little sister and me while we grew up. Now, to witness her as a mother to her own precious kiddos is such a joy. She and her husband recently moved back to Michigan (!!!) and we took some Mommy & Me photos at Laura's parents house. Their house is full of memories from Laura's childhood (and mine!) and now will hold memories of her children's young years. I'm so happy to present some glimpses of this beautiful family! And I cannot get over that copper-red hair!

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At Home with Asher | Grand Rapids Family Photographer

We met a wonderful couple when we first moved to the Philippines, but sadly (for us) they moved back to the US shortly after we met. Towards the end of our time living in SE Asia, they came back for an extended visit and I had the pleasure of photographing them with their 6-month old cutie, Asher. We just hung out at the house for the afternoon, and I photographed some of their routines and time spent together. I love documentary photography like this - it's so real!! And this family is stinkin' adorable, so that helps too. :)

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Baby John's First Moments | Grand Rapids Fresh 48 Photographer

I had the privilege of photographing a beautiful new baby and his mother Norlyn just a few moments after she gave birth at Shiphrah Birthing Home (part of Help International Ministries) near Manila, Philippines. Baby John was immediately held skin-to-skin and breastfed within the first hour. It was a joy to capture their bond and share the photos with this family. 

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Playtime | Grand Rapids Family Photographer

It was so fun to take photos of my friend and her daughter as they played outside their apartment when I was recently in the Philippines. This little gal takes in the world with such curiosity and fearlessness. She is carefree as her mom works as a midwife at Shiphrah Birthing Home (part of Help International Ministries) nearby. Their bond is so strong, and it was a joy to hang out with them in a place so near and dear to all of us.

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