Posts tagged natural birth
5 Benefits of Meditation in Pregnancy

Meditation connects us with our bodies and our minds in such a way that improves our abilities to quell the power of fear, reduce tension, and brave onward with enhanced wellbeing, outcomes, and experiences in pregnancy, birth, and beyond.

Furthermore, many of the fears that pop up around pregnancy and birth tend to be rooted in misinformation, misunderstanding, or misguidance and can be relieved through education, exposure, or experience. This is one of the many reasons why birth doula support is invaluable; birth doulas offer informational support in addition to physical and emotional support for birthing persons and their partners. The reality is that there is a lot of information to sift through when it comes to a truly informed birth — and a quality birth doula will help provide you with unbiased, evidence-based information and support your right to informed choice.

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Hello, Labor Hormones! How Can I Help You?

Did you know that you have the power to influence your hormones and to help them better serve you and baby in childbirth? Yes, we can impact the flow of hormones throughout labor, and in such a way that helps us labor more gently and with manageable pain. So let’s talk about which hormones we want to boost, which we want to minimize, and how!

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Brianna's Birth Story: The Birth of a Mother and Doula

To say that I felt empowered from Harmony’s birth is an understatement. I was able to trust my body to do something that it had never done before. It was beautiful to see that my body already knew what my mind did not. It was my journey, and the journeys of so many others, that made me want to become a doula. To help give families an incredible story of how their family grew.

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The Value of Birth Photography | Grand Rapids Birth Photographer + Doula

I’m coming up on 3 years since photographing a birth for the first time and have been reflecting recently about the value of birth photography. It has been such a privilege to offer such a unique and important service to women in the Grand Rapids area, and I wanted to share a few reasons why I think birth photography is so valuable.

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The Journey through the Impossible | A Story of Infertility, Miracles, and a Perfect Homebirth | Grand Rapids Birth Videographer

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week, and today, I am absolutely thrilled to share this incredible story with you. If you are experiencing infertility, may this story give you faith in miracles, and hope in the impossible.

I have had the honor of walking alongside Ashley and her husband Dave as they welcomed not one, but TWO miracle babies into their lives after years of infertility and loss. Ashley wrote out their story, and you don’t want to miss it. She also gave me joyous permission to share the birth film I made for her of their recent homebirth. Make sure you grab tissues first!

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Your Birth Team Matters | Grand Rapids Doula + Birth Photographer

Don’t get me wrong, I do think that the process of making a birth plan is valuable. But your birth team matters more.

Find a doula who you trust…and then trust her knowledge of local providers.

With a doula and a clinical provider that you are really confident will support you, you will be set up the best you can be for the unknowns of your individual birth experience. Your birth team matters more than your birth plan.

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Bethany's Birth Story | Grand Rapids Birth Photographer

Bethany's home birth was so special to witness and photograph. It was a healing birth experience for her, after having two cesarean births and a hospital VBAC. Bethany wrote her birth story, and shared it with me. Reading her story after seeing it all unfold before my eyes and through my lens was a privilege. I share it here now, with her permission, in hopes that it is also meaningful to you.

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