The Importance of Knowing Your Birth Rights

Written by Shay Gabriel

do you know your birth rights?

at first, i didn’t…

I'll be honest — I didn't have a CLUE about many of my rights in birth until meeting Annica, who became my doula early in my pregnancy with my firstborn. As my pregnancy progressed, I took a natural childbirth education course with my husband, and I listened to soooo many Birthful Podcast episodes (fan fave over here!). I was learning a lot about my rights as a birthing person, and the fear I once had around birth was slowly but surely being replaced by empowerment.

But something still wasn't quite right. I didn't feel well-supported by my care provider at the time. In fact, I felt pretty dismissed. It was as if my sense of empowerment waned as I walked through that provider's doors, and the lack of informational and emotional support had me questioning my reliance on their physical support.

I wish I could tell you I switched providers then, but I didn't. Despite Annica's expert opinion that there was a different provider out there who would better suit my birth wishes, I held on. Why? I suppose the logistics felt a bit overwhelming, and there was already enough on our plates. I would need to reconsider insurance options, my budget, and so on, on top of all the life changes we were already making.

But by the third trimester, enough was enough. I decided the hassle to change care providers was well worth the holistic well-being of my family and the significance of our birth experience. So at 34 weeks pregnant, I changed providers. And in the first hour long meeting I had with my new midwives, I felt more seen, heard, and respected than I had in all my months with the previous care provider. And it was clear: My new birth team honored my rights and values! (And, it turns out the estimated balance we would have had to have paid at a hospital after insurance was pretty similar to the cost of hiring the homebirth midwifery we had found, so our fears around expense were quelled!)

your birth story matters — and so does your birth team

No matter where you plan to give birth and no matter who is on your birth team, your rights ought to be respected. If you ever feel dismissed or disrespected, consider seeking care elsewhere. Why? Because your birth experience matters; not only in the short-term, but in the long-run, too (think postpartum wellness, bonding with baby, and beyond). It is our firm belief that birth is about so much more than the goal “healthy birther, healthy baby.” We see that goal as a physical baseline, with holistic well-being for both you and baby holding just as much weight. You deserve an empowered experience, one in which you know your options, your preferences, and your values are fully respected. One in which your care providers / birth team makes you feel seen, understood, and thoroughly supported.

Part of the secret to fostering an empowered birth is supporting the physiology of birth; in short, you want to support the hormones that are conducive to labor, and minimize those that are not. The fear-tension-pain cycle and cascade of interventions are valuable topics to understand well before giving birth. A team that denies your rights and elicits fear is not worthy of participating in your birth experience. A team who makes you feel safe and respected? That’s who you want by your side! And knowing your birth rights is wrapped up in all of this.

your rights in birth

Let this list linger in your mind as you consider where and with whom to give birth; that most beautiful, transformational experience of a lifetime! And, rest assured, quality doula care will only enhance your experience, including informational, physical, and emotional support.

personalized, equitable care

  • Freedom from harm and ill treatment

  • The right to be treated with dignity and respect

  • The right to equitable care

  • The right to receive care that is appropriate to your cultural and religious background

access to information & informed choice

  • The right to information, including full, upfront information about the risks and benefits of all pain relief methods

  • The right to informed consent and refusal

  • Respect for choices and preferences

  • The right to freedom of movement and choice of positions


  • The right to confidentiality

  • The right to communicate with care providers and to receive care in privacy

  • The right to be informed about potential enrollment in a research study or database

where & with whom you give birth

  • The right to choose your birth team

  • The right to leave your care provider and choose another one

  • The right to information about the qualifications of everyone on your birth team

  • The right to choose a birth setting in your community based on complete, objective information

full, continuous care on your terms

  • The right to timely healthcare and access to the full care you need

  • The right to continuous social, emotional, and physical support from someone trained in labor support

  • The right to virtually uninterrupted contact with your newborn, as long as separation is not medically required

  • The right to receive complete information about breastfeeding and access to lactation support

  • The right to decide when you will leave the place of birth, based on individual conditions and circumstances

we’re here to support you!

If you’re planning to give birth in West Michigan, let us help ensure your rights are respected, you’ve built a birth team that’s best for you, and that your birth story — no matter how it unfolds — will be one in which you feel empowered, supported, and straight up badass (because you are).

Shay Gabriel is the content director at Sprout and Blossom whose love of parenthood and psychology has merged into a super-obsession of all things birthy and baby. She believes an informed experience lends to an empowered experience, no matter where you are along the journey.