Posts tagged postpartum support
Dear Doulas: You are appreciated!

April lands us right in the middle of World Doula Week and International Doula Month. So what better time to share how grateful I am for the doulas in my life? I'm feeling especially grateful for how doula support has impacted my own journey, and especially honored to be part of a team of incredible women here at Sprout & Blossom who care so deeply for the birth community. I just want to take a moment to gush over them and share the love with anyone who reads (including those of you considering adding doula support to your own team…I highly recommend).

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Preparing for Your Postpartum Journey | Sprout and Blossom Birth

When you’re in the throes of pregnancy, it’s easy to overlook the importance of postpartum planning. We’ll walk you through some advance preparations that will lend to a smoother (and more enjoyable!) postpartum experience.

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