The Benefits of Writing Your Birth Story + 5 Ways to Get Started

Written by Shay Gabriel

Processing your birth experience can be incredibly therapeutic and transformative. In fact, we think it's an essential part of the journey.

Writing your birth story is one very powerful way to process and invite holistic healing. But the thought of writing your birth story can be daunting…we've been there! So I'm here to offer some strategies for getting started. Because truly, the benefits of writing your birth story make the dedicated time and energy entirely worthwhile.

The benefits of writing your birth story

  • Restoring memory around the blurry parts of the experience

  • Highlighting and preserving those special moments you might otherwise forget

  • Inviting catharsis and healing around any birth trauma or undesired aspects of the experience

  • Reflecting on and honoring your feelings and needs

  • Acknowledging how incredible you are! Your strength, stamina, courage, adaptability, power — all the amazing adjectives!

  • Finding or making meaning from it all

  • Learning from the experience and applying what you've learned to any future births

  • Creating an opportunity to share with and encourage others

  • Celebrating all there is to be celebrated!

Plus, once your story is preserved on paper, you get to keep it, and that's pretty cool!

So — where to start!?

Check out these tips for getting past any hurdles that stand between you and your birth story. See which approach feels the best for you, and give it a try. If you run into any writer's block, consider another method from this list.

5 Ways to Approach writing your birth story

1) Start with a brief timeline of events

2) Let chronological birth photos guide the way

3) Recap the experience with someone who attended

4) Write in stream of consciousness and see what comes out

5) Use voice-to-text or record yourself telling the story

If at any point you would like to process alongside someone, we encourage you to do so. Consider reaching out to someone from your birth team, like your midwife, doula, birth photographer, or partner. Or ask a trusted, supportive friend or family member to lend an ear. Perhaps you'll want to connect with a therapist who can help you unpack this major life experience.

Have you written your birth story/stories? If so, what did you gain from the experience? Did one of these tips work for you? Share with us on social, or comment below!

Shay Gabriel is the content director at Sprout and Blossom whose love of parenthood and psychology has merged into a super-obsession of all things birthy and baby. She believes an informed experience lends to an empowered experience, no matter where you are along the journey.